John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

August 16, 2018 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Old Fitz Theatre, August 4 6/10 Do you remember being accused as a child, and feeling guilty when you were innocent? Or perhaps you convinced yourself of your innocence when you were guilty? Steve Rodgers’ King of Pigs is like a giant finger pointing at every male in the audience…

August 11, 2018 / Concert Reviews - Archive

The Studio, July 30 8/10 It’s actually quite simple: just feelings expressed as sound. As long as that truism remains in place regardless of other layers of complexity, you have half a chance of making music. Nick Garbett has always understood this. Treating his trumpet as a palette of colours,…

August 10, 2018 / Album Reviews - Archive

WHAT SHE SEES (Rufus) 7.5/10 Sometimes the sounds merge into one, is if controlled by the same lips, the same breath. At other times they strobe against one another, the phasing effect unsettling and even disorienting. Sometimes the music is like a toyshop come to life when the humans have…