Category: Features

July 20, 2024 / Features

Joanna Murray-Smith is torn. On the one hand the acclaimed playwright is an in-demand adaptor of classic works not written in English. On the other hand she’s suspicious of the need for such adaptations (as opposed to existing translations) in the first place. It’s a demand stemming from the burning…

July 13, 2024 / Features

Peter Knight came to the trumpet early and to jazz late. Yet he’d only been playing the music for a decade before he began wondering if it were possible to put a more local – read Melbourne, Australia – slant on it. His first exploration, a long-lived band called Way…

May 6, 2024 / Features

Martha Wainwright is the same animal whether spilling secrets on stage or spilling stew in the kitchen. The Canadian singer-songwriter is so comfortable in her own skin that she doesn’t even mind fans pestering her in restaurants, and her 2022 memoir, Stories I Might Regret Telling You, is as raw…