John Shand Posts

July 20, 2024 / Features

Joanna Murray-Smith is torn. On the one hand the acclaimed playwright is an in-demand adaptor of classic works not written in English. On the other hand she’s suspicious of the need for such adaptations (as opposed to existing translations) in the first place. It’s a demand stemming from the burning…

July 19, 2024 / Concert Reviews

Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House, July 7 9/10 Zakir Hussain’s hands don’t play the heads of his tabla, they dance upon them. The emergent rhythms, melodies and textures are as deep and mysterious as the music of the ancients, as sophisticated as the most complex composed music, and as innovative…

July 14, 2024 / Theatre Reviews

Roslyn Packer Theatre, July 6 7.5/10 Sometimes the images are laid atop one another, like so many memories clamouring for focus in a brain. Sometimes the visual effect is wondrous, as when the characters of Holmwood, Morris and Van Helsing seem real rather than on a screen as they converse…