Category: Theatre Reviews – Archive

November 25, 2013 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Sydney Theatre, November 23 This is not just a good Godot, it is a wonderful one. It quivers with the pathos-laden humour that inhabits Beckett’s every page, but that can be lost or distorted on the stage. Given that the play’s intended director, Tamas Ascher, was prevented from attending rehearsals…

November 6, 2013 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Eternity Playhouse, November 5 The new Eternity Playhouse instantly becomes Sydney’s most beautiful theatre. Its size, sightlines, acoustics, stage area, ceiling height, seat-comfort and ambient charm are second to none. It also boasts the most attractive foyer in town, brimming with architectural flourishes, handsome timber, glorious stained-glass windows from its…

October 17, 2013 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Belvoir Street, October 16 Accepted scholarship has it that about a decade before he wrote Hamlet Shakespeare had written another play of that name, now lost. This, predating his known plays, was a crude revenge tragedy that supposedly influenced Thomas Kyd’s hideous The Spanish Tragedy. The plot of Hamlet (borrowed…