Category: Theatre Reviews – Archive

August 28, 2014 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Belvoir Downstairs, August 21  Director Adena Jacobs calls this “a meditation upon the myth of Oedipus Rex”. Not the Sophocles play of that name, you’ll note, but the myth that supplied Sophocles’ raw material. In a way she strips Oedipus of the trappings of his play, and re-mythologises him as…

August 15, 2014 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Eternity Playhouse, August 12 Improvising musicians do it routinely: take a short motif and investigate all its possible convolutions, like looking at a gemstone from all angles. Playwright Nick Payne applies this device to his dazzling writing of Constellations. The one-act two-hander explores the relationship between Marianne (Emma Palmer) and…

April 9, 2014 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

O’Punksky’s Theatre Eternity Playhouse, April 8 Long? The Maus beside me was nearly screaming and my legs beneath me were screaming. Yes, at over three hours Tom Murphy’s The Gigli Concert is long by modern standards, but the frustration is with the fact that the play cries out for cutting.…