Eternity Playhouse, November 5 The new Eternity Playhouse instantly becomes Sydney’s most beautiful theatre. Its size, sightlines, acoustics, stage area, ceiling height, seat-comfort and ambient charm are second to none. It also boasts the most attractive foyer in town, brimming with architectural flourishes, handsome timber, glorious stained-glass windows from its…
John Shand Posts
State Theatre, October 30 Swirling mists, gentle mizzle, stark landscapes, human conviviality and human heartbreak: they are all present in Clannad’s music at its best. Then much of the appeal lies in the lightness with which Moya Brennan’s voice dances across the melodies, like a young girl’s feet barely seeming…
Belvoir Street, October 16 Accepted scholarship has it that about a decade before he wrote Hamlet Shakespeare had written another play of that name, now lost. This, predating his known plays, was a crude revenge tragedy that supposedly influenced Thomas Kyd’s hideous The Spanish Tragedy. The plot of Hamlet (borrowed…