Hayes Theatre, November 9 Mitchell Butel calls his new cabaret show Killing Time, a reference not to the bloody climaxes of action movies, but to that fourth dimension which counts down our lives until we bow out. Dour premise for a show, you might think, but Butel sprinkles it with…
John Shand Posts
Tokyo 1972 (Splitrec) An alternative title for this extraordinary double album might have been The Shock Of The Now. That an album of improvisation made 42 years ago can sound so blindingly new is a marvel, and a tribute to the artistry of this ground-breaking Sydney band. In 1972 David…
Best of Mariza (Warner) In concert Portugal’s Mariza is one of the wonders of the world: the epitome of grace and elegance, while her magnificent voice spears hearts and quickens central nervous systems. This 23-track compilation draws on six previous albums and attempts to snare the super-committed with three new…