John Shand | Music & Other Spheres Posts

January 9, 2017 / Concert Reviews - Archive

The Basement, December 14 8.5/10 The expectant buzz for this one thickened the sweltering air still more. Steve Gadd has been to Australia several times, but not leading his own band. The room was crammed with musicians eager to hear what the world’s most imitated drummer does when he’s not…

January 4, 2017 / Concert Reviews - Archive

The Sound Lounge, December 10 9/10 Had Lady Macbeth penned ballads rather than sleepwalking she may have bequeathed us some bonny wee ditties of daggers, ghosts and bloody hands. Happily others filled that particular need across the centuries, and these traditional English and Scottish ballads were collected in their hundreds…

January 2, 2017 / Features - Archive

At the age of three Steve Gadd was given a pair of drum sticks. Not only did it stop him using the family’s cutlery for the purpose, it set in train a process that would result in Gadd becoming the only musician on any instrument ever to play at the…