During the covid lockdowns, when cellist Rachel Scott was allowed only one visitor at a time, she streamed monthly duets she made with other instrumentalists. Seeking to maximise the variation between performances, she decided to incorporate spoken word, and approached actor Damien Ryan, artistic director of Sport for Jove…
John Shand Posts
Bella Vista Farm, December 21 7/10 Megan O’Connell’s Beatrice starts to win us from the moment she appears, when director Samantha Young has her kill a snake with a spade (the Sport for Jove production being set in 1890s Australia, cued by the gracious farmhouse adjoining the outdoor stage). O’Connell…
Belvoir Downstairs Theatre, December 8 6/10 Playwright Lewis Treston wrote Hot Tub after dreaming of a helicopter lifting a hot tub on to the roof of a Surfers Paradise high-rise. The play, finally premiering after winning the 2016 Patrick White Playwright’s Award, unfolds more like a nightmare: not one of…