Category: Concert Reviews

The Basement, May 3  Precious few artists who are youthful firebrands remain so in their maturity (Picasso being a notable example). Some extinguish themselves altogether (like Jimi Hendrix), while the majority burn down to glowing embers, making art of supreme assurance. Greg Osby ostensibly falls into the latter category, although…

April 30, 2014 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Concert Hall, April 21  Of Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page, the three guitar superstars spawned by ’60s band the Yardbirds, Beck was the one who best avoided burning most of the interest out of his musicianship in the first 15 years. He alone continued to expand his horizons…

April 22, 2014 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Joan Sutherland Theatre, April 20  This extraordinary work had its genesis in using Jerusalem’s history to depict the three major monotheistic religions musically. But what Jordi Savall has created is far greater than that. Across two hours the Jewish, Christian and Muslim music has a cumulative effect conjuring up the…