Wilde About Oscar – Dreams of Falling

We have decided to resurrect Oscar Wilde one last time before gently sliding him back into his suitably ostentatious Parisian grave, and moving on to an ambitious new project.

“I have put my genius into my life and only my talent into my works,” Oscar fibbed, having liberally sprinkled his genius over the likes of Salome and The Importance of Being Earnest. Dreams of Falling – John Shand, Rebecca Daniel and Leigh Birkett – celebrate the man, the myth and his work with Wilde about Oscar. This time we’re at the Mechanics Institute Lawson, on Sunday, August 25. 4pm start. See the poster for details, and either use the QR code or go to https://www.trybooking.com/CTMEP for tickets.

DREAMS OF FALLING ‘Wilde about Oscar’ // Live @ The Mechanic’s Institute, Lawson.