Category: Theatre Reviews

May 10, 2015 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Lennox Theatre, May 9 It is the most difficult role in Shakespeare’s most difficult play, and John Turnbull is magnificent. The Merchant of Venice is a challenge and an oddity on many levels, beginning with its title: why would he have named it for the vile Antonio, rather than for…

Clarendon Guesthouse, April 18 In the mid-1950s a little studio in Memphis, Tennessee, helped define rock’n’roll and the course of popular music for the next half century. Sons of Sun is the story of Sam Phillips, the founder of Sun Studio and Sun Records, who played a pivotal role in…

April 8, 2015 / Theatre Reviews - Archive

Sydney Theatre Company, Roslyn Packer Theatre, April 7   In Endgame Samuel Beckett repeatedly pokes the ribs the great cosmic joke in which we find ourselves and extracts a few more crackling laughs. From the moment the play begins the end is nigh. Clov’s opening line is “Finished, it’s finished,…