Category: Off The Cuff

May 8, 2014 / Off The Cuff

John Lennon’s line that “life is what happen to you while you’re busy making other plans” resonates all too strongly for most of us most of the time. Scena Theatre’s reading of my play Guilt gave me a brief and thrilling taste of the real  thing. This was  one of…

April 4, 2014 / Off The Cuff

He’s played with a who’s who of American, British and Australian jazz musicians. His classical compositions have been performed by orchestras including the Melbourne, Queensland and Tasmanian Symphonies. Now the circle has fully turned and Katoomba-raised Bruce Cale, one of the country’s foremost musicians and composers, is not only residing…

April 10, 2013 / Off The Cuff

Readers who are vaguely curious about my writing outside of being a music or theatre critic may be interested in two forthcoming play-readings. This Saturday my play The Last Drop is being read, and on Saturday April 27 it is the turn of Guilt. The Last Drop is set in a future…