Category: Features – Archive

August 13, 2020 / Features - Archive

Besotted with the Monkees’ ’60s TV show, the young Cassandra Wilson was proud to call their LP containing Last Train to Clarksville her first. Three decades later she derailed that song’s frothy pop, stripping it back to some re-imagined version of the rural blues that was spawned in her Mississippi…

August 8, 2020 / Features - Archive

The second morning was an early start by musician standards: 9am. The first day in the studio had gone well enough. Good takes, energy to burn – but it was not quite what producer Manfred Eicher had in mind. As much as he loved Mike Nock’s most recent record, In…

August 5, 2020 / Features - Archive

He didn’t know his wife, Bella, had spent the day making celluloid flowers to sell to mourners at the cemetery the next day. They filled the caravan, so when he arrived home from a gig at 1am and could find nothing in the dark, he lit a candle stub that…