Category: Concert Reviews

June 7, 2014 / Concert Reviews - Archive

City Recital Hall, June 4 In layering jazz into traditional and contemporary Greek music Charles Lloyd and Maria Farantouri miraculously avoid creating another anaemic cultural fusion (to join the world-wide infestation). The triumph is how remarkably intact and separate the two elements remain while intertwining, like two lovers whose individual…

June 5, 2014 / Concert Reviews - Archive

York Theatre, May 31  Confession time. I know critics aren’t supposed to deal in the currency of expectations, but I’d half-envisioned being smoothed into a state of erasure by a Larry Carlton concert, or exhausted by the unrelenting good taste. More fool me. Yes, Carlton’s guitar playing was impeccably tasteful,…

May 13, 2014 / Concert Reviews - Archive

State Theatre, May 5 It can go either way with these actors becoming musicians and vice versa: revelation or fiasco. Actor/comedian Hugh Laurie is not exactly a Johnny-come-lately to music. A pianist for 48 years, he also sings, plays guitar and has steeped himself in the blues. But the move…