Category: Concert Reviews

February 24, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Camelot Lounge, February 15 So many jazz singers shoot themselves in the foot by suffering the delusion that they are also credible songwriters. Limping and bloodied they persist, and we, the forgiving audience, wear the tripe to hear the standards. Jo Lawry, the finest jazz vocalist Australia has produced (and…

February 19, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

Camelot Lounge, February 14 It is curious that the Moral Minority’s more stitched-up members have never tried to ban the tango. Perhaps their seething minds miss its implicit erotic charge, most obvious in the dance steps, but evident in the music, too: a constant collision of dark and light, loud…

February 11, 2015 / Concert Reviews - Archive

The Basement, February 4 Among the many casualties of aging is the capacity for being surprised. From broken promises to broken records and from Mahler to Madonna one has seen and heard it all before. Perhaps the odd sunset and a straight-talking pollie may still do it, and in the…